p_wbuf=w_buf; if(pipe(pipe_fd)<0) { printf("pipe create error\n"); return -1; } if((pid=fork())==0) { printf("\n"); close(pipe_fd[1]); sleep(3); //确保父进程关闭写端 r_num=read(pipe_fd[0],r_buf,100); printf("read num is %d the data read from the pipe is %d\n",r_num,atoi(r_buf)); close(pipe_fd[0]); exit(); } else if(pid>0) { close(pipe_fd[0]);//read strcpy(w_buf,"111"); if(write(pipe_fd[1],w_buf,4)!=-1) printf("parent write over\n"); close(pipe_fd[1]);//write printf("parent close fd[1] over\n"); sleep(10); } } /************************************************** * 程序输出结果: * parent write over * parent close fd[1] over * read num is 4 the data read from the pipe is 111 * 附加结论: * 管道写端关闭后,写入的数据将一直存在,直到读出为止. ****************************************************/
- 向管道中写入数据时,linux将不保证写入的原子性,管道缓冲区一有空闲区域,写进程就会试图向管道写入数据。如果读进程不读走管道缓冲区中的数据,那么写操作将一直阻塞。
#include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> main() { int pipe_fd[2]; pid_t pid; char r_buf[4]; char* w_buf; int writenum;